Monday 18 May 2015

Discussion Week 5: Lego Bridge

In Wuppertal, Germany, local artists have decorated a bridge - Lego style! Read the article here and the provide a response in the comments. Use the question below to guide your response - but don't just answer the question - write it into a sentence like we've been practising in class.

What do you think of the bridge? Is it a worthwhile project or are there better things the money could have been spent on?
Do you think the City Council should invest money in projects like this? Or is it the responsibility of communities to fundraise such initiatives?


  1. I really like the bridge because of it's art and uniqueness. I myself wouldn't mind spending a little bit of money on this, who knows it might be/become a tourist destination.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Even though the bridge looks very nice. I think there are better things the money could be spent on. Charities for instance is one of them. So what I think is: the bridge is great but the money could have been used for other things.

  4. I personally love lego and think that all lego created things but I think that the money (Like Bernardo) could be spent on something like a Legoland amusement park or something. So to sum things up: I am a fan of lego but the money could be used for something better.

  5. The bridge looks brilliant but still we could spend money on the stuff people need like new houses for people to live in and money for the hospitals as well .Also all the charities that need money to help save people lives. So I would not spend much money on the bridge but I would spend a bit more to help the communities in wellington . I would not spend money on a Lego bridge because it looks cool, but If it helps the communities I would spend some on it .

  6. The bridge look very astonishing in all angles, it also is a very unique way to make a bridge but you should not spend too much money on it because you don't really need it. But when it get's old not much people would get interested any more, well it is quite worth it ( kind of ) but don't spend too much of your money on new buildings and such.

  7. I really like the bridge because it is outstanding, showing off such creative ideas, and it stands out. I think it was a good way to spend the money and a way to put a little shimmer in a little town, in a way to make it a better place to live. I think it would be cool if the City Council could pay a good amount of it.

  8. I think it is OK but don't do it all the time because you could spend it on other stuff but once and a while is OK.

  9. I oppose projects like this because this could be better spent on people that actually need money like the victims of the Nepal earthquake, school children that need more school equipment and charity. But to be honest, the bridge is really creative.

  10. I think that these projects are nice but they also need to pay attention to other things that might need the money like the homeless or charity. But a bit of creative flair here and there can really make a city cool so this kind of thing is okay if you do it in moderation (like lollies).
