Sunday 10 May 2015

Week 4 Discussion: Fair Testing

Today we learnt about fair testing with the syndicate. This is important information for us as we begin the next step of our sustainability focus.

Image Credit: mpeterke

Explain your understanding of a fair test, using examples. Keywords to think about or include are: variable, control, predict, hypothesise, outcome.


  1. To make a fair test you have to put the same amount of substance to make a fair test. If you put more than the other test you would not get an accurate result.

    For example: If you are testing the fuel efficiency of a car and you're comparing it to another brand, you need to put the same amount of fuel in the car to make a fair test.

  2. To make a fair test you have to put the same amount of substance to make a fair test. If you put more than the other test you would not get an accurate result.

    For example: If you are testing the fuel efficiency of a car and you're comparing it to another brand, you need to put the same amount of fuel in the car to make a fair test.

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  4. To have fair tests you need to make sure that the things you are testing you need to make sure that there are even amounts in each subjects. Like if you have 2 soccer balls and you want to test what will happen if you drop them but 1 was flat and 1 was pumped up!

  5. Fair testing means to use the same thing exactly,other wise you would not get a fair test but if you do make it exactly the same you will get a fair test .

    For example: If you were testing different brands of marshmallows you have to eat the same amount of it so it can be a fair test, but if you eat one marshmallows of one brand and two of another brand that is not a fair test .

  6. My understanding of a fair test is...

  7. A fair test is a test that is fair for example if I throw a tennis ball and it went up and down and hit the ground and then I then throw a soccer ball if it was so post to a fair test it should be in the same spot

  8. My understanding of a fair test is a test where all the circumstances are exactly the same, except for one variant and the difference between the variants is what you are testing. For example, if you were to test how different brands of netballs bounced, you would make sure the balls were all pumped up and dropped from the same height. The only difference would be the brand of ball.
